மாற்றான் ரீ ஷூட்டிங் கே.வி.ஆனந்த் திட்டம்

Friday 7 October 2011

தமிழ்நாட்டில் ரா ஒன் அபிராமி ராமநாதன் வெளியீடு

9ந் தேதி சென்னை வருகிறார் ஷாருக்கான். இந்த வருகை ரஜினியை சந்தித்து நன்றி கூறத்தானாம்.
ரா ஒன் படத்தில் ரஜினி நடிக்க வேண்டும் என்று பல காலமாகவே கேட்டு வந்தார்Ra-Oneஷாருக். இந்த நிலையில்தான் திடீரென்று உடல்நலக்குறைவு ஏற்பட்டது ரஜினிக்கு. ஆனால் தான் கொடுத்த வாக்குறுதியை எப்படியோ நிறைவேற்றிக் கொடுத்துவிட்டார் சூப்பர் ஸ்டார்.
பாலிவுட் படங்கள் தமிழ்நாட்டில் வெளியிடப்படுவது புதுசில்லை. ஆனால் எந்தவொரு படத்திற்கும் இல்லாத வரவேற்பு இந்த படத்திற்கு இருக்கும் என்று கருதப்படுகிறது. காரணம் ரஜினியை தவிர வேறொன்றும் இல்லை. தற்போது தலைவர் எப்படியிருக்கிறார் என்பதை காண அவரது ரசிகர்கள் தவமாய் தவமிருக்கிறார்கள். மருத்துவமனையில் இருக்கும் போதே வீடியோ மூலம் ரசிகர்களிடம் பேசுவார் என்று எதிர்பார்த்திருந்தார்கள். ஆனால் அவர் சிகிச்சை மூடிந்து வீடு திரும்பிய பின்பும் அதற்கான முயற்சி நடைபெறவே இல்லை.
அவர் எப்படியிருக்கிறார் என்பதை அறிந்து கொள்ள துடிக்கும் ரசிகர்களுக்கு ரஜினி ஒரு காட்சியில் நடித்த ரா ஒன் பெரிய வரப்பிரசாதம் அல்லவா?
தமிழ்நாட்டில் கணிசமான அளவு தியேட்டர்களில் இப்படம் வெளியாகிறது. படத்தை வெளியிடும் பொறுப்பை ஏற்றுக் கொண்டிருப்பவர் திரையரங்க உரிமையாளர் சங்கத்தின் தலைவரும் அபிராமி மெகாமால் உரிமையாளருமான அபிராமி ராமநாதன்.

கிணற்றில் விழுந்த ஹீரோ

சீமான் கதையின் நாயகனாகவும், முரளி, ஐஸ்வர்யா தேவன் என்ற கேரளா புதுவரவும் நடிக்கும் படம் "கண்டுபிடி கண்டுபிடி". மூவி பஜார் என்ற நிறுவனத்தின் சார்பில் கல்கி யுவா என்ற இருபத்தியொரு  வயதான இளைஞருடன் இணைந்து தயாரிக்கிறார் மாயாண்டி குடும்பத்தார் படத்தை தயாரித்த சாமு சிவராஜ். பிரபு சாலமனின் உதவியாளரான ராம் சுப்பாராமன் இயக்குகிறார்.

போலீஸ் விசாரணையை மையப்படுத்தி நகரும் பரபரப்பான படமாக வளர்ந்து வரும் "K2"வின் படப்பிடிப்பு தேனி மாவட்டம் கம்பம் அருகில் நடந்தது. குங்குமப்பூவும் கொஞ்சுபுறாவும் படத்தின் இணை நாயகனாக நடித்த தருண் சத்ரியா இப்படத்தில் முக்கிய வேடமேற்று நடிக்கிறார். 

காட்சிப்படி தருண் நூறு அடி ஆழமுள்ள கிணற்றில் இறங்கி படிக்கட்டில் உக்கார்ந்திருப்பதுபோல ஒரு காட்சியை படமாக்கத் திட்டமிட்டார்கள். இதற்காக பல்வேறு பகுதிகளில் ஆழமான கிணறுகளை தேடி இறுதியாக கொஞ்சம் பழமையான கிணறொன்றை கண்டுபிடித்து படப்பிடிப்பை நடத்தினார்கள். 

நடிகர் தருண் சத்ரியா படிக்கட்டு வழியாக இறங்கியபோது அங்கிருந்த பாசி வழுக்கி பிடிமானம் இல்லாமல் கிணற்றோரமாகவே தவறி விழுந்தார். தலையில் அடிபட்டவர் மயக்க நிலைக்கு செல்ல, அந்த ஊரைச் சேர்ந்த ரெண்டு பேர் உடனடியாக கிணற்றுக்குள் குதித்து அவரை மீட்டு கரை சேர்த்தனர். 

அருகிலிருந்த மருத்துவமனைக்கு எடுத்துச் சென்று அவருக்கு சிகிச்சை அளித்தனர் படக்குழுவினர். இயல்புக்கு திரும்பிய தருண் மீண்டும் கிணற்றுக்குள் இறங்கி நடித்துமுடித்தபோது ஒட்டுமொத்த படக்குழுவே அவருக்கு கைத்தட்டி உற்சாகமளித்தது..
Tharun chatriya
Tharun chatriya
Tharun chatriya
Tharun chatriya
Tharun chatriya
Tharun chatriya
Tharun chatriya
Tharun chatriya
Tharun chatriya
Tharun chatriya

முதல்வருடன் எஸ்.ஏ.சந்திரசேகர் சந்திப்பு ?

தமிழ் திரைப்பட தயாரிப்பாளர் சங்க தேர்தல் சூடு பிடித்திருக்கிறது. எஸ்.ஏ.சந்திரசேகர் S.A.Chandrasekar - Jayalalithaதலைமையில் ஒரு அணியும், கேயார் தலைமையில் இன்னொரு அணியும் மோதிக் கொள்கிறார்கள். இருவருமே முதல்வர் ஜெயலலிதாவுக்கு நன்கு அறிமுகமானவர்கள் என்பதால் அரசின் சலுகைகளை உரிமையோடு பெற்று தருவார்கள் என்ற நம்பிக்கை சங்க உறுப்பினர்களுக்கு ஏற்பட்டுள்ளது. ஆனால் இதுவே பெரும் குழப்பத்தையும் ஏற்படுத்தியிருக்கிறது.
யாருக்கு வாக்களிப்பது என்பதுதான் அந்த குழப்பம். 2007 ம் ஆண்டிலிருந்து ஒரு படத்திற்கு ஏழு லட்சம் வீதம் சுமார் 500 படங்களுக்கு அரசின் மானியத் தொகை தர வேண்டியிருக்கிறது. ஆனால் இந்த தொகை கடந்த ஆட்சியிலேயே வழங்கப்பட்டு விடும் என்று நம்பிக்கையில் இருந்த உறுப்பினர்களுக்கு தொடர்ந்து ஏமாற்றமே நிலவியது. இந்த முறை இந்த தொகையை வாங்கித்தர இருவருமே முயற்சி எடுப்பதாக தேர்தல் வாக்குறுதிகளை அளித்திருக்கிறார்கள்.
தேர்தலுக்கு முதல் நாள் கூட தங்கள் பலத்தை காண்பிப்பதற்காக தனித்தனி ஆதரவாளர் கூட்டத்தை ஏற்பாடு செய்திருக்கிறார்கள். இந்த நேரத்தில்தான் முதல்வர் ஜெயலலிதாவை இன்று சந்திக்க முன் அனுமதி வாங்கியிருக்கிறார் எஸ்.ஏ.சந்திரசேகர்.
நடைபெறவுள்ள தயாரிப்பாளர் சங்க தேர்தலுக்கும் இந்த சந்திப்புக்கும் எவ்வித தொடர்பும் இல்லை என்று எஸ்.ஏ.சி தரப்பில் கூறப்பட்டாலும், முதல்வருடனான இந்த சந்திப்பு தேர்தல் முடிவுகளை லேசாக அசைக்கும் என்பது மறுப்பதற்கில்லை.

தமன்னா-அமலா சந்திப்பு

பொன் வைத்த இடத்தில் பூ வைத்த மாதிரி தமன்னா இடத்தில்தான் அமலாவை வைத்து அழகு பார்க்கிறது கோடம்பாக்கம். இந்த திடீர் அழகு புரட்சிக்கு அதிகAmala Paulகாரணம் தமன்னாவேதான். திடீரென்று தமிழிலிருந்து இடப்பெயர்ச்சி செய்து கொண்டார். வரிசையாக தெலுங்கு படங்களை கமிட் செய்து கொண்டு அங்கேயே தங்கியும் விட்டார்.
சாரலோ, துறலோ நனைந்தால் சரி என்ற நிலையிலிருக்கும் ரசிகன், அடுத்த மழைக்கு ஆசைப்பட்ட நேரத்தில்தான் வந்து சேர்ந்தார் அமலாவும். தெய்வ திருமகள் படத்தில் விக்ரம் வாய்ப்பு கொடுத்ததிலிருந்தே அவரது மார்க்கெட் மலேரியா உடம்புக்காரனின் தெர்மா மீட்டர் மாதிரி தாறுமாறான வேகம் காட்டியது. ரஜினியின் மகள் இயக்கும் படத்தையே வேண்டாம் என்று ஒதுக்கி தள்ளுகிற அளவுக்கு போய்விட்டது அவரது பாய்ச்சல்.
இந்த நேரத்தில்தான் தமன்னா இடத்தை அமலா நிரப்பிவிட்டதாக பேச்சும் பரவலாக எழுந்தது. சமீபத்தில் தமன்னாவை எங்கேயோ சந்தித்தாராம் அமலா. நான் சினிமாவுக்கு வந்தப்போ என்னையும் யாரோட இடத்தையோ நிரப்பிட்டாருன்னு எழுதினாங்க. இப்போ என் இடத்தை நீ நிரப்பியதாக எழுதறாங்க. சினிமாவில் இதெல்லாம் சகஜம் என்றாராம் அமலாவிடம்.
தத்துவம் நம்பர் ஒண்ணு?

Just waiting for the holidays ...

Hogenekkal    http://view360.in/virtualtour/hogenakkal/
Pichavaram     http://view360.in/virtualtour/pichavaram/
Kolli hills        http://view360.in/virtualtour/pichavaram/
Kodaikanal    http://view360.in/virtualtour/kodaikanal/
Ooty             http://view360.in/virtualtour/ooty/ninemiles/
Courtallam    http://view360.in/virtualtour/courtallam/mainwaterfalls/


Nippu during Sankranti?

Director Gunashekar's new Ravi Teja starrer Nippu, which is progressing at brisk pace, will be released this Sankranti, producer Y.V.S. Chowdhary informed on Wednesday.
"As you aware, both Ravi Teja and director Gunashekar were my roommates during our struggling period, and we have been planning to do a movie together for a long time. Finally, I am producing a film with them. We have decided to release the movie on Sankranthi," the producer added.
When asked about his directorial venture Rey, which marks the debut of Chiranjeevi's nephew Sai Dharam Tej, he said the film would hit the screens in the summer of 2012.
"We shot the film in Malaysia and later went to USA, but during the shoot, Sai was hurt in Las Vegas, so we came back to India. We are planning to go to USA again to film the remaining portions," he said.

Bala's assistant debuts with Therodum Veedhiyile

National Award winning director Bala's assistant Saro Sriram is all set to make his debut withTherodum Veedhiyile. Pradeep of (Pazhaniappa Kalloori fame) and Tollywood actress Payal Ghosh (of Pralayam fame) play the lead roles in this romantic thriller. Therodum Veedhiyilenarrates the story of a carefree guy who falls in love with a homely girl. The crew recently completed it's shooting schedule at the Tanjore prison continuously for few days. Imman is the music director and the film is all set to grace theatres soon

Suriya's Maatraan to begin on July 22?

Suriya, who was busy with his brother Karthi's wedding, is back to work! The actor is all set to team up with director K.V. Anand for the second time in Maatraan. The film is likely to go on floors on July 22, 2011; for the first time Kajal Aggarwal will team up with Suriya in Maatraan. Suriya has just wrapped up Murugadoss' much awaited 7aam Arivu.
According to close sources, Suriya will be seen playing a unique role of Siamese twins. Suriya will be seen in a double role where both the characters that he plays will be conjoined and will eat, sleep and do every other job together. Ace comedian Vivek and Prakashraj will also play prominent role in this film produced by Kalpathi S. Aghoram under AGS Entertainment banner. The technical team comprises of Harris Jayaraj (music), S. Sounder Rajan (camera) and Anthony (editing). The film is expected to grace theatres in April/ May 2012.

Steve Jobs is no more

Apple visionary Steve Jobs is no more! The man who revolutionized the world's computing, music and mobile phone industries died on Wednesday at the age of 56 after a year-long battle with pancreatic cancer. As soon as the news broke out, thousands of fans paid homage outside the Apple stores around the world. Jobs stepped down as CEO in August and handed the reins to long-time operations chief Tim Cook.
Steve Jobs started Apple in 1976 with his high school friend in Silicon Valley but was forced out a decade later. He later returned in 1997 to rescue the company and during his second stint, Apple grew into the most valuable company in the world. Today Steve Jobs has become one of the most influential people in the world. By 2011, Apple had become the second-largest company of in the United States by market value. Steven Paul Jobs was born on February 24, 1955, in San Francisco. He was later adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs, a working-class couple who nurtured his early interest in electronics.
Jobs is survived by his biological mother; his sister Mona Simpson; Lisa Brennan-Jobs, his daughter with Brennan; wife Laurene, and their three children, Erin, Reed and Eve.
We express our deep condolence to his family and friends! We at Galatta Cinema owe it to the man for making our magazine accessible to so many people thanks to his iPhone and iPad.

Studio Green signs Venkat Prabhu?

Earlier we have reported that director Venkat Prabhu's may soon soon team up with Suriya for a thriller. Reportedly Suriya is impressed with a one-liner narrated by Venkat Prabhu and the actor has given his green signal for the project. Now the latest buzz is that Studio Green, owned by Suriya's cousin K.E. Gnanavel Raja, has signed Venkat Prabhu for their next venture. However the director is yet to decide the lead actor for the film.
Meanwhile there are also reports that the director may start his first 3D project, titled Neradi Oliparappu. Sources close to the director revealed that he has a a couple of scripts on hand, including Neradi Oliparappu. However, he will take a final call soon!

Thursday 6 October 2011


Rajni completes Ra. One shoot

The 'God of South Indian Cinema' Rajinikanth making a special appearance in Shahrukh Khan's much hyped Ra. One was already the talk of the town for the past few weeks. Now the latest buzz is that Superstar has completed the shoot of Ra. One in Hyderabad today. "Mis-concepts, misunderstood, stressed and then Rajini sir walks on sets and u know why God made films. Thanks Soundarya for making our dream come true," SRK tweeted.
He further added, "Ra.One completed today. Rajini sir blessed it. Have tears in my eyes of gratitude and only prayers and love for his whole family. You complete us sir."
Elaborating on the scene, a source said SRK (who is seen fighting a gang of villains) faces another threat from a gang armed with deadly weapons. At this critical point, Rajni makes an entry in trademark Rajni style in a super powered vehicle which immediately sucks up all the weapons from the villains, prompting SRK to ask Kareena Kapoor the identity of the man in the car. Then Rajinikanth steps out and delivers a super hit dialogue from his film Basha.

Sibi Malayil turns against Rima Kallingal

Director Sibi Malayil has approached the Film Employees' Federation of Kerala (FEFKA) against actress Rima Kallingal, alleging that the shooting of his latest filmUnnam was disrupted because the actress did not arrive for the shoot as promised.
Reportedly, the FEFKA officials have discussed the case with the actors' AMMA officials and AMMA is likely to take action against the actress.
Meanwhile, Rima said that the issue was the result of a communication gap with the filmmakers. Unnam has Asif Ali playing the lead role along with Nedumudi Venu, Sreenivasan and Swetha Menon.

Emma Stone says acting gives her an adrenaline rush!

The Crazy Stupid Loveand Easy Aactress Emma Stone says that she loves every bit of being an actress, as it gives her an adrenaline rush like nothing else does! 22-year-old Emma Stone's claim to fame was the 2007 super hit movie, Superbad! Stone says she loved her first performance in a school play, and that set things off.
In a recent interview, Emma Stone revealed that she had felt very happy, alive and scared at the same time, during the stage play in her first grade, and this gave her such an adrenaline rush that she got hooked to acting! She also says that she wanted to be a part of movies, just because of how movies affected her, and made her feel like she had a voice inside her, that she couldn't find herself. Emma believes that there will be a time when she would still want to be associated with cinema, but wouldn't want to appear in front of the camera.

Lagaan in Time Magazine's Top 25 Best Sports Movies

Aamir Khan's first productionLagaan which won an Oscar nomination in the Best Foreign Language Film category has brought us glory once again. Lagaan has been included in Time magazine's 25 Best Sports movies list. Time magazine has given Lagaan the 14th spot in their list.
The 2001 film was the biggest hit of that year. Produced by Aamir and directed by Ashutosh Gowariker, Lagaan tells the story set in the Victorian period of India's colonial British Raj and revolves around the peasants from a barren village who are oppressed by high taxes imposed by their rulers, who challenge their British rulers to a game of cricket in order to escape their taxes- 'Lagaan' for three years.
"From the thunderclap in the first torrential rainstorm, a cue for riotous dancing to the climactic sunlight on the smiling faces of millions of viewers, this Bollywood epic is cause for joy of meteorological proportions," the magazine says, calling the film "the longest and most enthralling underdog-sports movie ever".
"Even those who know none of cricket's complicated rules will bounce in their seats to AR Rahman's irrepressible tunes; here, one can immediately and fully accept the Bollywood trope of music and dance as an expression of life's deepest, most soaring emotions. As sports film, social document or communal ecstasy, Lagaan is the all-time all-rounder," it added.
Lagaan is the only Indian movie in the list, which is topped by The Big Lebowski (1998).Body And Soul (1947), Breaking Away (1979), Bull Durham (1988) and Caddyshack (1980).
Courtesy: Bollywood Hungama

Robert De Niro's thirst for Oscars still unabated!

Two time Oscar winner Robert De Niro has said that he wants to add 3 more Oscar awards to his kitty before he hangs up his boots! 68-year-old De Niro won an Academy Award for Best Actor for his performance in the 1980's movie Raging Bull, and another Best Actor in a Supporting Role Award for his much acclaimed performance in the 1974 cult movie, The Godfather: Part II.
The Cape Fear star has disclosed to a leading magazine that he wants three more Oscars to take his overall tally to five, so that he can give one statuette to each of his 5 children. De Niro said, “If I had one to give to each of my kids, that would be fine. But I don't, and I can't give one to one and not to the other.”
Robert De Niro has been shortlisted for the Oscars a further 4 times, and still hasn't given up the hope of bringing his tally to five. Katharine Hepburn and Clint Eastwood are the actors who have won the most Academy Awards, with their count being four each.

Cops to question Nagarjuna over abuse case

In connection with the case filed by freelancer and Regional Censor Board member Y. Sunita Chowdhary against Tollywood superstar Nagarjuna, claiming that the actor had used "filthy and vulgar" language against her and threatened to kill her during an interview at Annapurna Studio when the actor reportedly picked up an argument with Sunita over an article she had written about him a few months ago, the officials at the Jubilee Hills police station in Hyderabad said that they have already started the probe.
“We’re in process of collecting evidence. It will take time before he can be arrested,” Inspector K. Narasinga Rao said. Police sources said the police may question the actor soon in connection with the case, filed under sections 506 (criminal intimidation) and 509 (insulting the modesty of a woman) of Indian Penal Code.
A source close to Sunita said: "Nagarjuna’s misbehaviour goes a long way back. Sunita had written a negative review about his 2008 film King, in which she wrote about how he was wearing a wig and how the Telangana accent did not suit him. When they met recently, that’s what triggered a heated argument. Nagarjuna abused her and used filthy language. He also told her, ‘you are a woman that’s why I am not slapping you, else I would have’, before having the guards drag her out of the studio."
Meanwhile, sources say that Nagarjuna's aides are trying to make peace with her and asking her to withdraw the complaint.

Swathi completes Poraali shoot

After a brief gap,Subramaniyapuram fame Swathi aka Colors Swathi is back in Tamil. Swathi will be playing one of the five leads in director-actor Samuthirakani's directorial venture Poraali, starring his friend and actor-director Sasikumar in the lead. In the film, Swathi will play the role of a city girl, who's happy with her life and extremely independent. The actress recently completed the shoot of Poraali. "I play an extremely independent Chennai girl, who's happy with her life, in Poraali. After the success of Subramaniyapuram, everyone wanted me to do another Tulasi, for which I wasn't game. Finally, I've found scripts that offer me variety," Swathi was quoted saying.
Poraali revolves around the characters played by Sasikumar, Tollywood hero Allari Naresh, Swathi, Vasundhara and another girl, and will be narrated in a flashback mode. Swathi was last seen in Tamil playing a cameo as Jai's wife in Kanimozhi.

Dookudu: 2,840 pirated CDs seized

The Kacheguda police on Wednesday afternoon seized 2,840 pirated CDs of the recently released Mahesh Babu flick Dookudu, following a tip-off by the anti-piracy wing of the Andhra Pradesh Film Chamber of Commerce.
The police raided the office of Balaji Travels in Kacheguda and seized the CDs which had arrived from Anantapur. “We took two persons, Mani Babu, and Deepak, from the travel agency which shipped the CDs into custody. They are being questioned as to where the CDs had come from,” Kacheguda CI B. Koteswara Rao said. “Initial information suggests that the CDs came from Anantapur,” he added.
Meanwhile, the film's producer Anil S. said they were trying to deal with piracy with the help the injunction order obtained from Ongole court. "As per the ‘John Doe Order’, any person who is in possession of a copy of CD or DVD of our film can be arrested immediately without questioning," he added.

Real Steel for complete action


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Real Steel will be a treat for all action film lovers as well as those who have a penchant of Robots. This film’s subject deals with the Robot boxing, a concept that is novel to cinema. About 35 percent of the action scenes in Real Steel will involve Robots.
According to the makers of this film, the rights of story were bought in the year 2005 but the filmmaking was completed only in 2010 as so much of research and work were put in. Real Steel is all set to hit the screens this weekend. The film is being distributed by Reliance Entertainment.

Shankar’s new find



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Director Shankar is known for introducing several new talents in the film industry and the latest in the lot will be Devi. This talented girl has trained in the popular acting school Koothu Pattarai and is running a theatre group ‘The Viruksha’.
Devi plays Jiiva’s elder sister in Nanban, which also has Vijay, Srikanth, Ileana, Sathyaraj and others. The actress’s performance in the film will be laudable say sources close to the Nanban film unit.

Sameera Reddy moves to TN


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Sameera Reddy is very excited with the response she has been getting for Vedi. The actress has been flooded with offers so much so that she has decided to settle down in the South and focus on becoming the numero uno heroine here. She recently brought a piece of land in Mumbai's Juhu, home to some of the city's most elite denizens and is building a house there.
Now that her career is red hot, Sameera has decided to build a bungalow on Chennai's ECR road as well and is busy hunting up plots for sale. The buzz is that she might be Vijay's heroine in Gautam Menon's next Yohan Adhyayum Ondru. She is also set to be part of other plum projects in Tamil so it makes sense for her to want to be close to where it is all happening for her.

Prabhu Deva’s special act


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Choreographer-actor-director Prabhu Deva is rumored to have made a special appearance in Dhoni, a directorial venture by Prakash Raj. Prabhu Deva and Prakash Raj share a very good rapport and this made the former drop on the sets of Dhoni.
Encouraged by this visit, Prakash Raj requested Prabhu Deva to do a cameo and he obliged willingly. It is not clear if Prabhu would appear in a song sequence or a scene. Dhoni is a film about the travails of the school children and the prevailing educational system in India.

Hollywood can remake 7aum Arivu!


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Director AR Murugadoss has said that he has not drawn any inspiration for his latest outing 7aum Arivu. In the press meet today, Murugadoss has said that the Hollywood filmmakers can feel free to remake 7aum Arivu!
This shows the level of confidence that the director has in his film. Further, he has said that 7aum Arivu is not just an entertainer as a lot of research has gone into the project and that will be evident once the audiences see the film.
It was revealed that Shruti Haasan plays a young scientist Shuba Srinivasan. AR Murugadoss has said that he happy that Suriya has done the role because many Bodhidharma statues resembled the star.


This Diwali is all set to be spectacular with four massive films readying for release. Vijay’s Velayudham, Suriya’s 7 Aum Arivu, Silambarasan’s Osthi, and Dhanush’s Mayakkam Enna may just be the four films that take on each other with the prize of course being Box Office gold.


Vijay’s film directed by Jayam Raja is going to be a commercial potboiler that is expected to hit all the right notes. Genelia and Hansika are going to add a dash of spice to this dish.

7Aum Arivu

A Murugadoss film, 7 Aum Arivu will strive to keep the successful track record of the director and Suriya intact. Shruti Haasan and Harris Jayaraj’s music is also expected to rock.


Dharani’s Dabangg remake with STR and Richa Gangopadhyay will be hoping to equal and may be even eclipse the success of its predecessor. With Mallika Sherawat adding sizzle to the proceedings it is sure to lighten up this Diwali.

Mayakkam Enna

Dhanush and Selvaraghavan have done some of their best work together and the brothers seem very confident about Mayakkam Enna.

Facebook telugu movie logo launch Event Gallery

RP Patnaik's latest telugu film Facebook logo has been launched grandly on the occasion of public awareness about his latest telugu film Facebook. Here are the exclusive photo gallery of Facebook telugu movie logo launch event.

NTR Oosaravelli on October 6th worldwide

Young Tiger Junior NTR's Oosaravelli movie sensor works are completed and got U/A certificate today. This movie is directed by Kick fame Surendar Reddy and produced by BVSN Prasad on Sree Venkateswara Cine Chithra India Private Limited banner, which is presenting by Bogavalli Bapineedu. “Oosaravelli” movie will be releasing as a gift on the ocassion of Vijaya Dasami, said by film producer BVSN Prasad.
Producer BVSN Prasad saying as the movie has been completed sensor works and got U/A certificate. Recently released “Oosaravelli” audio got very good response from telugu film music lovers, so soon we are going to celebrate platinum disc function. This credit must goes to music director Devisri Prasad, as he has given a very good music to the “Oosaravelli” songs. We are going to releasing the “Oosaravelli”movie on October 6th worldwide with most number of copies in most number of cinema theaters in world wide.
“Oosaravelli” movie is a different romantic action entertainer and we are sure that this movie will stand a biggest hit in Junior NTR's career. This movie will entertain all kinds of people said by film producer.
Young Tiger Jr.NTR, Tamanna, Prakash Raj, Tanikella Bharani, Vidooth Jamwaal, Advik Mahajan, Payal Gosh, Ali, MS Narayana, Raghu babu, Duvaasi Mohan, Raghu Kaarumanchi and other are main casting for this “Oosaravelli”movie.

Jiiva's sister from Koothu Pattarai

Koothu Pattarai has gifted many actors to Kollywood. Joining the list is Devi, who has been roped in from the acting school by director Shankar for 'Nanban'. Devi, who is now running a theatre organization called 'The Viruksha', is playing Jiiva's sister in the movie.
"It is the role of an elder daughter in a poor family. The whole family relies on younger son Jiiva, who is in his college, that he would study well, join a good job, and ensure that his sister marries a right person. A surprise awaits in the climax," say sources close to the unit.
With Vijay and Srikanth playing the other two lead roles, 'Nanban's is getting ready for a Pongal release. "Shankar is at present busy with the post production works of the movie. He would make the end product ready by the last week of December

Michael Angarano Hot For Julianne Moore's English Teacher

Michael Angarano has appeared in some outstanding films (Almost Famous andSnow Angels come to mind), but has yet to find the project that takes him to the next level. Perhaps it will be The English Teacher, Craig Zisk’s indie comedy that that will cast the young actor alongside Oscar nominee Julianne Moore.

It’s not a prequel to Anthony Minghella’s The English Patient … and for that, we should be thankful. Instead, Variety reports that Angarano would play a failed playwright who returns to his small home town and falls for his former English teacher (played by Moore). Dan and Stacy Chariton co-wrote the screenplay, which also has lured Greg Kinnear and Nathan Lane in as-yet-undeclared roles.

That’s a solid cast for Zisk, whose directorial credits are littered with fantastic television projects such as AliasScrubsWeedsNip/Tuck and The Big C. From what I can tell, this is his feature-film debut, but based on the shows he’s used to cut his teeth, I’m anxious to see what he’s able to do with a dependable ensemble.

Angarano, meanwhile, recently wrapped The Brass Teapot with Juno Temple, and can be seen in Steven Soderbergh's Haywire and Kevin Smith's Red State. He’s voicing a townsman in the animated Noah’s Ark: The New Beginnig, as well, so he’s staying busy. We’ll have to wait for Teacher to see what qualities Angarano has that Moore finds so appealing, but with these two talents involved in the show, I’ll buy into this May-December romance and see how things unfold. 


Shriya Saran has friends in high places

Oct 04, 2011
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Shriya Saran has friends in high places of divine origin. The actress makes a trip to Tirupati every month to offer her prayers to Venkatachalapathi. Apparently she makes a trip there before any major undertaking.
When quizzed about what it is she prays for, the actress just smiles and says that is only for her divine friend to know as otherwise her wish may not come true.


By Arun Gopinath
When you make the most expensive movie ever, you must not only make sure that it is a good one, but also must ensure that it makes perfect business sense. A 100 crore movie is not going to bring back the Rs. 100 crore investment just because it has been well made. There needs to be an almost perfectly planned strategy of marketing and release which will bring the money back to the investor. We saw such a smart piece of cinema and business amalgamate when Endhiran was made. It was indeed a spectacle of a movie but there is also no denying the fact that the immense marketing power of Sun Pictures and the whirlwind release strategy also played huge roles in taking the film into the profit region.
 Ra One

Now, we are about to witness another seta-edge cinema business game as Ra-One waits to get into theaters for Diwali. Touted as the most expensive Indian film ever, also the first authentic superhero movie from India, Ra-One is sure to set new benchmarks in at least some aspects of cinema. We cannot say anything about the creative and technical sides as yet, but what we know for sure is that Shahrukh Khan has taken the publicity levels of the movie to henceforth unheard levels.

Open the TV and all you can see is Shahrukh Khan. Of course, that has been the case for almost a decade now as SRK endorses almost every third product in the market. But, now, you don’t just see him in ads, he has splashed Ra One promos all over national television. And, what a smart move to become the official brand ambassador of the Champions League T20 (in spite of being the owner of the Kolkata Knight Riders – no conflict of interest here; BCCI) and to put Ra One teasers in between every over of every game. He obviously knows that people from all parts of India will definitely watch at least some part of the tournament, especially down south because Chennai and Bangalore are part of it. As a result, now, even people most indifferent to Hindi cinema and SRK are familiar with Ra One. And, it is not just Ra One, the average south Indian non-cine fan is even familiar with Chammak Challo and Dildara songs- the power of promotion!

But, there can be too much of a good thing. People are calling this campaign as ‘suffocation’ instead of promotion because you can hardly watch anything on TV without coming across SRK in his superhero suit making cars fly out of parking lots. Sometimes too much promotion can have an adverse effect. It can be felt even now as people have started growing tired of this unending barrage, almost developing an aversion towards anything about the film. There is also the danger of taking the expectation levels to such heights that Ra One will start the box office race behind the audience’s expectations. We have seen this kind of thing happen before – the publicity outdoing the film and then the audiences feeling let down by the final product that doesn’t live up to the hype.

We are not suggesting that SRK does not know what he is doing. But, even he cannot have a concrete idea about the people’s expectations or put a cap on it when he wants to. The one thing he regulate is the amount of publicity that the film is given, retaining an amount of mystery about the film’s content.

One cannot also help but think that King Khan is a bit over anxious about his dream project. We know that these days a top star’s movie from Bollywood that is not too bad and is given above average publicity can easily rake up a 100 crores. Take for example, Dabbangg, 3 Idiots, Ready or Bodyguard. All 4 crossed the magic 100 crore mark. One can safely that at least 3 of them were not masterpieces but just well made entertainers with hit music. Even Singham threatened to break the barrier. We know the stories of 3 of these movies, all remakes of Tamil films. If such run of the mill (at least a couple of them) plots can do such astounding business, then a novel attempt as Ra One with SRK in the lead need not feel paranoid about its business prospects.

Yes, one cannot agree with all this splurging on publicity. But, SRK did do one thing that has taken Ra One from being a Bollywood product to an all India product. That thing happened the other day at Mumbai when Superstar shot for one scene. And that one scene has put the film on the ‘most wanted ‘ list of most South Indian film buffs. Now, that was as smart a move as SRK could have made. For all the excess publicity he has been dishing out over the past month, he realized one thing; if he was going to make the biggest Indian movie, then he needed the biggest Indian star in it’.

Now, one just hopes he doesn’t start a South Indian publicity campaign which runs and re-runs the one Rajni scene over and over again, making it appear like a Superstar film, only for all the fans to feel betrayed when the watch it on screen. Let Superstar be the surprise element, and let the magic work.

Vikram and Suriya film is Bollywood bound

Vikram and Suriya film is Bollywood bound

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Vikram and Suriya's film Pithamagan directed by Bala is to be remade in Hindi. Satish Kaushik one of the leading directors in Bollywood has purchased the rights to this film. He has already remade Bala's Sethu in Hindi as Tere Naam with Salman Khan and Bhumika.
The director revealed that Pithamagan had moved him to tears when he watched it and now with the remake fever at its highest he feels the time is right for this venture. Vikram and Suriya were hugely appreciated for this film and the former even won a National award for this role. It will be interesting to see which two actors in Bollywood will rise to the challenge.

Wednesday 5 October 2011


Director: Nicolas Winding Refn
Cast: Starring Ryan Gosling, Carey Mulligan, Bryan Cranston, Albert Brooks, Oscar Isaac, Christina Hendricks
Rating: ****
For most part of Drive, Gosling’s un-named protagonist glides along in his car in silence, observing, waiting, watching. Then, suddenly, without a notice, he shifts gears. The guy who exchanges shy smiles with his pretty neighbour, without opening up further, snarls local hoodies into silence with a short snap. The guy who spends most of his day under the car’s hood at a garage runs those automobiles down fast and furious most nights. And the guy who gently carries his neighbour’s sleeping child to bed late evenings shrugs off bullet hits on his arms other nights.
Refn, who won Best Director at Cannes 2011 for Drive (the film was also nominated for Palme d’Or) manages these shifts in gears with aplomb. Drive moves as lovingly over Gosling’s hands on the steering wheel and the light playing across his face as it lingers on the extreme, brutal and sudden bursts of violence he is revealed to be capable of. Cinematographer Newton Thomas Sigel captures a warm day and quiet nights between Gosling and Irene (Mulligan) and her son as beautifully as the slow build-up to a shootout, marked by just a masked man peering through the door of a crowded pizzeria.


Director: Kenneth Lonergan
Cast: Anna Paquin, Matt Damon, Mark Ruffalo
Rating: ***
Both Kenneth Lonergan's film debut 'You Can Count On Me' and his long-awaited, much-delayed follow-up, 'Margaret', begin with an accident.
In 'You Can Count on Me', it was a couple on a casual late-night drive home suddenly forced into the oncoming lane with a tractor trailer barreling down. The film shifts a few decades later to tell a story of the grown children of those victims: a sister (Laura Linney) and a brother (Mark Ruffalo), bonded together but malformed from a parentless life.
In 'Margaret', 17-year-old New York high-schooler Lisa Cohen (Anna Paquin) is out shopping for a cowboy hat in her Upper West Side neighborhood when she spots a good one on a bus driver (Ruffalo). She runs alongside the bus to get his attention, distracting him enough so that he doesn't see the red light, or the middle-aged woman (Allison Janney) crossing the street.